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Pointe Royal - Rockdale

This tragedy affected the entrance appeal for this entire community as it removed WHAT WAS ONCE THOUGHT BY MOST HOMEOWNERS was reserved "Green Space".

In November 2022, the Rockdale Planning and Zoning department received the review request by Bonner Builders and it was reviewed by front desk clerks and it was noted that there were half dozen strikes noted as they pertain to SPACING and minimal "setbacks". Yet, weeks later the Builder's survey group were DISPATCHED again to reassessed the area. NOTHING HAD CHANGED per mother nature but land clearance started in late February 2023. No one at the planning office could or would even take call or agree to a meeting to explain to any of the 38 homeowner's on what grounds this permit was given. To gain access to this corner lot, an aged 15+ year cedar that should have been protected being in the easement area was compromised. All for the sake of potential profit regardless of the will of the people...the committed homeowners who were blocked as of today's date of having their rights to govern their own Home Owner's Association which should have been theirs years before. 


DEEP DIGGING began in March 2023 to cure the discovery of "soft soil" or aka a Sink Hole.


On March 14th, 2023, multiple construction crews of the Builder were active early morning when the house next door - less than 10 feet from the hole repair- experienced vibrations and tremors from their digging efforts. 911 were summoned to report concerns but officers showed up and were advised to simply relay the message to homeowner that any disagreement felt about the construction project would solely by a "civil matter". Rockdale failed to consider this to be a "safety matter". A little after 900 am, with 2 adults alert and frustrated inside the 4 year old settled home next door...the entire foundation JOLTED/ a hard shift to the left ... causing panic and and all living creatures fleeing for safety. 

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