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About Us...  

MY HOME MATTERS is a campaign initiative created by a non-profit entity called MyHomeNdeed, LLCIt is designed as a  community watch group to monitor, review and provide support to other homeowners who are challenged by products, legal loop-holes, and activities that distress, damage or diminish their homes integrity or value. 


Spear headed by a damaged homeowner who had battled local boards and overlooked policies as they allowed an area builder to disregard the ethical and contractual needs of the people whom  he had benefited from in the form of Buyers. Weaken policies and compromised voting board members supported what started as just manipulation of rules on paper but the consequences escalated to damages leading to 'six figures' for the imposed homeowner.  Even after the point of the homeowner securing inspections from engineers and foundation experts "out of pocket", reporting the damages to the planning board only returned the shameless and empty response that any remedy would be a"a civil matter!" It should not be. It's an ethical matter. It was a safety matter. It's an environmental matter. And long-term, it's an economic matter and hardship for all.


In the pursuit for justice, there  has been the discovery of first dozens, then hundreds of area homeowners - in different communities - different specifics - but all leading to the same conclusion... BAD BUSINESS by BAD DEVELOPERS and innocent  homeowners are tormented and strained to find the resources in efforts to save their dwelling place.


My Home Matters provides a site to connect concerned homeowners about the dangers of destructive policies, aggressive builders, and scams that can damage or even cause them to lose their homes. THE DANGERS are real and more common than most think. However, the solution is too... OUR POWER in coming together is the  key for change. Our demand for transparency and accountability, we can find solutions to protect our most valuable investment - our homes.


Our Home Matters...






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